This email from the mother of a former patient arrived recently, and is posted with permission. It does my heart good!
My thoughts turned to you this morning as I gratefully considered the wonderful successes my daughter is currently experiencing and I wanted to share that with you.
Her multiple accomplishments appear to be extremely beneficial in terms of confidence building, self-esteem and overall level of happiness in her life. She has more than earned these achievements and is so deserving of the accolades they bring. It is even more gratifying when one considers how she somehow withstood those fierce teen years in the face of failure and the inexplicable situation in which she found herself: knowing she was bright but seriously doubting herself because she could not succeed where others with lesser gifts and/or initiative advanced well past her. It was not until we were referred to you that life changed for her and, by extension, for our entire family. With a complex diagnosis, you unlocked the seeming mysteries to our daughter’s inability to achieve academically, recommending not only remedies and compensatory tools but also addressing the resulting emotions those limitations created.
I fully recognize and appreciate that my daughter’s achievements are a testament to her core inner strength which enabled her to prevail but I am equally well aware and grateful for the pivotal role you played in assisting her to get there. I just wanted to express how valued you are and what a tremendous difference you have made in one wonderful young woman’s life course.
With much appreciation and warm regards,