At the 2016 Spring Psychoanalytic Psychology Conference, Part 1

I attended the annual spring conference of Division 39 (Psychoanalytic Psychology) of the American Psychological Association.  The conference, entitled “Hot and Bothered,” included presentations on sexual and erotic issues, although there were a wide range of other presentations.  There were a lot of programs and I could only attend some, so here are notes from “my” conference.

Relational Dream Work:  The Bridge Between I and Thou

Kendle Hassinger, LPC

This preconference workshop was one of the most enjoyable and personally useful programs in “my” confefence.  Hassinger’s approach to dreamwork was as a relational process in therapy.  That is, it’s not a matter of the therapist being some sort of dream expert and pronouncing interpretations, but a process of therapist and client moving together into a deeper understanding of the client’s dream.  Hassinger sees the relational process itself as mutative, regardless of theoretical orientation.  (“Mutative,” in psychoanalytic context, means it facilitates a beneficial change the state or self-organization of the client or analysand.)  She sees the therapeutic relationship as involving two I-Thou relationships: one between the analyst and analysand, and the other between, as it were, the client and herself; between the client’s conscious self and her inner process, objects, and private experience.  By definition, the process of striving toward health in these I-Thou relationships is never complete, and the therapist’s job is to facilitate them.

Hassinger asked what we thought dreams were for, and I commented about the relationship between dreams and learning in mammals.  This sparked a discussion among the participants, during which a Mexican graduate student said that mammals dream “because they have mothers.”  I’m still reflecting on that!

Hassinger encouraged us to participate in discussion, and we talked about research into dreams (REM sleep increases during periods of intense learning) and different analytic perspectives.  Freud saw dreams as concealing meanings whereas Jung saw dreams as revealing the unconscious rather than disguising it.  Her perspective integrated a number of analytic and non-analytic elements, but was more Jungian than Freudian overall.  This was one of several presentations that had an inclusive attitude toward methods and concepts in different approaches to psychoanalysis, contrary to the history of divisive conflict between schools that characterizes so much of psychoanalytic culture, both then and now.

For example, Hassinger mentioned Jung’s comment that “The ego is a complex among other complexes,” and described therapeutic exploration as finding and exploring “feeling-toned complexes” (another Jungian term), which is a different way of looking at the inner life than the more dichotomous “I-it” (ego-id) of Freud; yet her discussion integrated both and flowed easily from one to the other as it suited the context.

Jung saw exploring the “feeling-tone” as the way into exploring the dream, and focused on the details of the dream image.  For example, if a barn, in a dream, is full of healthy animals and fodder, or neglected and dirty, it will have a different set of meanings associated with it.

We paired off to do brief explorations of one another’s dreams, and I was paired with a graduate student from Mexico.  Interestingly, both of our dreams involved animals—hers were birds, and mine a dog—and both yielded deeper meanings upon exploration.

An Evening With Nancy McWilliams

Nancy McWilliams is a distinguished and prominent teacher, leader and writer in psychoanalysis.  This pre-conference gathering was mainly an appreciation of her, and a Q. and A. session.  Some selections from my notes:

Q:  “You don’t belong to any camp, though you speak to every camp.”  NM:  “I used to walk the halls to find someone to have lunch with.  I’m an integrator temperamentally.  I approach anyone from (the perspective of, “What can I learn from this guy,” not “I’m better than this guy.”  Different patients make different therapists look good, and and different theories evolve to (explain different kinds of patients).”

Responding to a question about the difference between psychoanalytic diagnosis (which she’d written a book on) and the usual DSM-type psychiatric diagnosis:  “Psychoanalytic diagnosis is basically about individual differences,” which, she added, helps explain why it is so popular in Eastern Europe and other more collectivist cultures.  She recalled a question she’d received when teaching in China:  “What do we do about our depressed grannies?”

I had submitted a question (questions were submitted in writing) on the similarities and differences between the terms “psychoanalytic” and “psychodynamic.”  She replied:  “That difference has never been salient to me.  I think it’s a very artificial difference made up by psychologists who are not familiar with psychoanalytic ideas, who tend to define psychoanalysis as a technique, passé, on the couch, three days a week, etc.  If you define it as a treatment, then you have to have another word for all the rest of psychoanalytic knowledge that applies to everything else we do that’s not on the couch.  I’m an integrator, what Darwin would call a lumper rather than a splitter.  I prefer Freud’s definition, he had a lot of definitions, but I prefer the definition as any activity in which you are attending to transference and resistance.  It’s psychoanalytic to work with psychotic people, borderline people, and so forth.  I see what the distinction is but I think it’s created more heat than light to try to make that distinction.”  (I appreciate Dr. McWilliams’ inclusive perspective, which was characteristic of the attitude toward psychoanalysis in this conference, but I respectfully disagree.  The conflicts about what is really psychoanalytic and what isn’t goes all the way back to Freud and Jung, is a distinguishing feature of the history of psychoanalytic culture, and has been particularly virulent in the USA.  As Dr. McWilliams said, Freud had a lot of definitions, but she didn’t mention his requirement that his associates agree with whatever his definition of the moment was.  I prefer the term “psychodynamic,” because it includes all the perspectives from within the various schools of psychoanalysis, bypassing their conflicts and turf wars, and also has room for perspectives of neuroscientifically and spiritually informed views of mind from outside of psychoanalysis per se.  Still, I appreciated her personal warmth and professional inclusiveness within the culture of psychoanalysis.)

In response to a question about eating disorders, Dr. McWilliams said that she thinks extreme eating disorders should be considered psychotic, “when someone weighs 80 pounds and believes she’s fat and is starving herself to death.  We’ve been criminal in our treatment of psychotic and other persons, we just medicate them, as if they don’t have souls, as if they don’t have lives.”

Asked about the difference between psychoanalysis and cognitive-behavioral therapy, Dr. McWilliams said, “The important differentiation isn’t between psychoanalysis and CBT, they run into the same issues we do, they develop their own language to describe it.  The biggest abyss we have is between clinicians and researchers who have increasingly become alienated from what clinical work is really like.  It’s not their fault, it’s conditions in academia (where) it’s so hard to get grants (that) it would be professional suicide to have a small practice on the side.  (So) researchers have no idea what it’s like to be a clinician, they think it’s like what they do in the lab.  I think we should be allying with cognitive-behavioral, humanistic, family therapists, anyone who is in the trenches.”  (This is the direction that we have been moving in with CAPP, the Chicago Association for Psychoanalytic Psychology.)

Q:  “How do you understand resilience, beyond ego strength?  Do you have a dynamic formulation around resilience?”  NM:  “No, but I’ll hazard a guess.  It all has to do with whether you have somebody who can bear your pain.  If you have somebody who can be there with you, you can go through pretty bad pain, you go through a mourning process, mourning is the process by which we adapt to the painful aspects of life.  If you have the same traumatic experience and you have nobody who can go with you through it and bear your pain and bear witness to what you’re going through, I think you’re much more likely to be dissociated, because it is unbearable to go through crisis without someone who can bear witness.  That’s a time-honored goal of psychoanalytic therapy.”  (Note:  I see dissociation as a normal aspect of brain function and self-formation, and find support for this view in the “neural networks” model of neuroscience and the “multiple selves” model of spiritual psychology.  Psychoanalysis has described traumatic dissociation, and specialized in treating it.)

Q:  “You’ve talked about a number of different camps.  There’s an ideological process of all this, perhaps a tribal component, who’s on the inside, who’s on the outside.  In the history of psychoanalysis, and in many respects of CBT, the ideological component has been so important, to define themselves against (other schools), how do we begin to look at these tribes that we form and bridge those divides?”  NM:  “In this field, where ideas matter so much, I don’t think it’s been so bad, as long as we can come together in the fight against torture, against accreditation that’s depersonalizing” (here she’s referring to issues within the American Psychological Association).  “The danger in psychoanalysis is that we get so distracted by these internal differences between us that we’re fighting over deck chairs on the Titanic.”

Readings For A Patient Who Can’t Identify Emotions

A consultee asked for recommendations of readings for a patient who often can’t connect with or name emotions.  Here’s my reply:


It’s a challenge to work with a client who can’t connect with or name emotions.  A couple of books that come to mind are “Emotional Intelligence,” by Daniel Goleman, which is a popularization about the importance of being aware of others’ feelings and our own, and, for a deeper dive into the scientific study of emotion, “The Archeology of Mind,” by Panksepp and Biven, focusing on Panksepp’s lifetime of work on the emotion networks in the subcortical brain of mammals, and Biven’s comments on what that might mean for people (she’s an analyst).


You probably know that there are lists of feelings, you can find them online, and I have sometimes printed them out and handed them to my patient at a time when he, or she, was unable to identify feelings in a situation we were discussing.
Another way to explore this is to make space in the therapy to stop the conversation about situations and events and focus on feelings.  Its can be uncomfortable to do this because the patient is uncomfortable and the therapist feels that discomfort and wants to fix it for the patient, and the patient may explicitly want the therapist to do something to relieve the discomfort.  Of course there’s an optimal level of discomfort, too much isn’t useful, and so we have to gauge that in the moment.
Sometimes its useful to ask patients who can’t identify their feelings to begin with a somatic focus; what are they aware of in their bodies.  Often they may find that their breathing is shallow, jaw tight, etc., and sometimes they can go from there to identifying a feeling.
It can also be useful to ask patients to keep a journal, writing at the end of the day about what happened during the day, what events and interactions they had with people, and how they felt as they went through them.  It often starts out as a difficult assignment for them, but can get easier with practice, and of course it is helping them to grow new networks in their brains between networks for emotions and networks for consciousness.
Good luck!

Formation of Self as a Clinical Instrument in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

Formation of Self as a Clinical Instrument in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

(On March 12, 2016, I participated in a presentation on “Formation of Self as a Clinical Instrument in Clinical Pastoral Education and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Education,” sponsored by the Chicago Association for Psychoanalytic Psychology, and presented at the Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis.  I was one of four co-presenters, and this is the handout I prepared for this presentation.)

There are many methods and techniques in psychotherapy, and new therapists usually learn by focusing on some of them, but this is at best only a step toward the development of a “therapeutic self.”  Especially in psychodynamic psychotherapy, it is the self of the therapist which is the therapist’s clinical instrument, a therapeutic self which is formed through experience in doing therapy and receiving consultation and supervision in doing therapy.  This is an experiential process, not a scholarly one.  It can’t be learned by rote, and imitation of the behavior of role model therapists is at best an early stage that should be superseded as soon as possible.  The dynamic therapist must be authentically present, and there is no script and no methods for that.

Psychodynamic psychotherapist Jonathan Shedler, in a recent conversation, described psychotherapy as essentially a partnership between the therapist and patient, emphasizing the collaborative, and what I call the reciprocal, nature of psychotherapy.  The therapist facilitates that dynamic reciprocity through the instrumental use of self.

Psychodynamic psychotherapy is something a therapist does with someone else, not to someone else.  Or we might say, to the extent that therapy is done to someone else, it is done to them by being with them, by becoming a facilitative companion on a certain kind of journey.  Shedler referred to Mary Jo Peebles’ description of the message from therapist to patient in her book, “Beginnings, The Art and Science of Beginning Psychotherapy,” as follows:  “You’re suffering for reasons neither of us fully understands, and I’m just starting to get to know you.  Neither of us is going to be able to understand it by ourselves, and the two of us together are going to be able to develop a shared understanding.”  So good treatment begins from a place of mutual not-knowing, and a mutual agreement that we are here to enter into the unknown together.  It is both an investigation and a relational healing process, and although Peebles describes this as the beginning of therapy, and it can be said in words at the beginning, it takes time to cultivate a working therapeutic relationship.

The dynamic psychotherapist develops a clinical self largely based in the interpersonal and intrapersonal executive functions of the brain.  The executive functions, largely the activity of the prefrontal parts of the frontal lobes of the left and right cerebral hemispheres, include selecting what to focus on, sustaining that focus for as long as necessary, inhibiting distractions while sustaining that focus, monitoring the environment for cues that the focus might need to change, deciding when to change focus and managing the transition from one focus to the next.  Neuropsychologist Elkhonon Goldberg, author of The New Executive Brain, compares the executive functions of the prefrontal lobes to the role of the conductor of an orchestra, calling in and out and regulating the various musicians and sections in order to perform the composition.  Goldberg emphasizes that our tests of executive functions don’t reflect what those functions mainly do, because life doesn’t usually present us with situations in which there is only one correct answer.  Rather, we are agents responding to situations on the basis of preference.  When we apply this perspective to psychotherapy, we see that the client in dynamic therapy is not a multiple choice question with one right answer, or even an algorithm to resolve the problem(s) that led to therapy.  The therapist, responding to the field of issues that the client presents, acts as an agent, selecting issues to respond to, and how to respond to them, as a therapeutic self-in-action.

The psychodynamic psychotherapist forms a professional self which facilitates a collaborative investigation, together with the patient, of the patient’s way of making sense of the world and responding to it.  Questions, responses, support, challenge, metaphors, storytelling, playfulness, laughter, and developing models of how the client experiences and makes sense of self and others, are all part of it.  How the therapist facilitates the investigation in the context of the relationship is part of the healing of therapy.

In order to accomplish that, the therapist needs to have a great deal of attention focused on the patient, and simultaneously, or intermittently, also have a great deal of attention focused on his or her internal processes.  The therapist must monitor her reactions to the patient and the relationship, and evaluate which reactions are the therapists’ own and which might reflect how the patient might be thinking or feeling, or how the patient might be provoking and evoking reactions in the therapist.  No matter how good the therapist is, the relationship will have discontinuities, ruptures and repairs, and eventually therapist and patient will wind up in a therapeutic cul-de-sac, brought there together by an enactment of some kind, a counter-therapeutic process in which they were implicitly joined, and which the therapist must discover and facilitate their working their way out of.  All this contributes to the development and successive refinement of models of client self and life, which client and therapist co-create.

In my supervision of new therapists, certain kinds of issues come up again and again.  Avoidance of areas of vulnerability in the client, either out of a misplaced protectiveness of the client or because the therapist has similar areas of vulnerability and is colluding in avoidance, is one.  Another is the use of apparent kindness and compassion to distance the therapist from the client rather than to approach the client with empathy and genuine empathic reciprocity.  Another is to want to do something to fix the client rather than to establish a relationship within which the client’s nascent capacities for self-observation, self-regulation and self-development can emerge.

Formation of self as a clinical instrument in psychodynamic psychotherapy supervision and consultation means that the therapist is learning to operate herself or himself in the reciprocal space of the therapeutic relationship in such a way as to facilitate the client’s integration of previously dis-integrated parts or networks of self, including the maturation of some of them, into a revised, reorganized self with which the client can more effectively address the issues that brought her or him into therapy.

We are all works in progress.

At the 2015 Parliament of the World’s Religions

The Parliament of the Religions of the World—often shortened to the Parliament of World’s Religions—was first held in Chicago in 1893.  A century later it was reconvened in Chicago (1993), and has been held four times since; in 1999 (Cape Town), 2004 (Barcelona), 2009 (Melbourne), and in Salt Lake City in October of 2015.  My presentation on “Psychotherapy, Religion and Spirituality” was among the many programs.

The Parliament is an event that is certainly like no other I’ve heard of; thousands of people from all over the world convening to participate in what looks like hundreds of presentations, emphasizing the sacred in our relationships with the natural environment, the economy, people around the world, one another, and ourselves.  The sheer diversity of people, and the wonderful diversity of attire, was a visual feast!

Women’s identity, equality, empowerment, and sacredness, was a theme of this Parliament.  For example, I am writing these notes in a long hallway whose walls are filled with dozens of vivid silk hangings of representations of sacred women and goddess figures from several traditions.

I attended a program called “Changing Tides,” presented by a panel including Barbara Morgan (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, chaplain at MIT and Harvard and assistant professor at Brigham Young University), Lucy Forster-Smith (Presbyterian, Head Chaplain at Harvard University), Maytal Satiel (Jewish chaplain at Yale), in which these chaplains at major universities discussed their experiences with changing attitudes and needs in the students with whom they work.  More students are identifying as “spiritual but not religious,” or, if identifying as religious, still want to learn about other faith traditions.  Even among chaplains, I was surprised to learn, there are some who do not identify with a specific faith tradition.

The Plenary 1 session was entitled “Focus on Women,” and featured addresses by women of several faiths who have achieved prominence in education, administration, human service, care of the earth, and nurturing in faith and in the spirit, including Dr. Serene Jones, president of the Union Theological Seminary in New York, Grandmother Mary Lyons, an Ojibwe Elder, and several others.  I was blown away by Marianne Williamson’s address—what a smart powerhouse!—in which she challenged the faiths represented at the Parliament, as often being responsible for the subjugation of women.  This was a particularly gutsy observation in a gathering of people advocating that the principles of their faiths support the equality, empowerment, and sacredness of women.  Williamson spoke her piece forcefully, and received enthusiastic applause.

In the programs that I attended, the emphasis on women’s natural sacredness and oppression was powerful, but seemed one-sided in a way.  The implication often seemed to be that, if only society would stop being so wretched in abusing and suppressing women, women would assume their natural role as sacred healers, nurturers, and goddess-types.  The learning, the effort, the self-confrontation, the sorting-out of the essential from the superficial, identifying what really matters most from what one has been conditioned to believe, getting past errors in perception and action acquired along the way, finding and living one’s way into a fuller life—which every human being has to do, and which each of the speakers undoubtedly had to do, in order to achieve her accomplishments and role in life—seemed somehow to be taken for granted, not included in the narrative.

My presentation was part of a two-part shared presentation, which began with “Diversity and Interfaith Dialog in Counseling and Psychotherapy.”  The panel of presenters included three who are active in the Pagan tradition—little did I know that there was such a tradition, so developed!—including Shel Skau, the moderator, Drake Spaeth from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, and the very impressive Vivianne Crowley.  My presentation, “Psychotherapy, Religion and Spirituality,” followed, and seemed to go quite well; the audience seemed to be attentive, most stayed throughout the presentation, there were more people than seats (some sat on the floor, in a room seating about 50) and people laughed at the right places, always a good sign!

As I left the huge Salt Palace convention center for the last time, I passed a scruffy, disheveled looking young man, long-haired and bearded, sitting on the ground by a tree, surrounded by a bunch of signs that ran up the tree, with various aphorisms. One was about turning knowledge into action, which is certainly a key theme in spiritual life, and in psychotherapy too:  we rarely learn things about ourselves in therapy that we didn’t know, in some way, before, but weren’t acknowledging and living.  It seemed to me that this man was himself exemplifying what his sign said we shouldn’t do; as if he believed that, sitting on the sidewalk with his signs, he was turning knowledge into action.  He was a living sign, albeit unconsciously.

A Special Kind of Reading Experience: “The Sufis,” by Idries Shah

Until 1964, when “The Sufis” was published, Sufism was mostly the preserve of scholars, at least in the West.  “The Sufis” began a new era, opening a window on Sufi activity, history and influence.   Shah presents new information in an accessible way, and many readers feel that it’s a book they’ve been looking for.  Stories, history, unusually lucid perspectives on human nature and spirituality, and challenges to assumptions and established ways of thinking, are intertwined throughout, eventually combining to produce a special kind of reading experience.

“The Sufis” begins with the story of “The Islanders.”  This is a “teaching story;” Shah’s name for a form of literature whose internal structure and dynamics can support and provoke experience in the reader (a Sufi speciality).  Sometimes the learning happens at the time of reading, when the story helps us make sense of perceptions and experiences.  Often, as Desmond Morris, author of “The Naked Ape” and The Human Zoo” observed, it’s a delayed effect that happens when we encounter situations in life that evoke a story.  Morris is one of the leading observers of human nature who has commented on Shah’s work; others include author Doris Lessing, psychiatrist and author Arthur Deikman, and psychologist and author Robert Ornstein.

After “The Islanders” sets the stage, “The Travelers and the Grapes”—another teaching story—opens a discussion of the contextual background.  Here we start to look at the history of interaction of cultures; often concealed because spiritual practices not sanctioned by the authorities could have brought severe penalties over the last thousand years or so.  Here we also begin to see the Sufi approach to spiritual development; which I’ve found to be unparalleled in lucidity about human nature.

The chapter on “The Elephant in the Dark,” based on Rumi’s story, continues the intertwining of narrative, perspectives on human nature, and intercultural history.  Then we meet the joke-figure Mulla Nasrudin, “one of the strangest achievements in the history of metaphysics,” whose antics illustrate “situations in which certain states of mind are made clear;” usually when he’s acting the idiot.  Subsequent chapters introduce classical Sufis, including Rumi, Attar, Omar Khayyam, ibn el-Arabi, and el-Ghazzali, and trace the influence of Sufi thought and action on Western figures (such as Chaucer and St. Francis) and groups.  We also meet the work of Western Sufis, such as Richard Burton (whose “Kasidah,” a remarkable poem of great depth, is reviewed), and are introduced to The Dervish Orders, The Creed of Love, Magic and Miracles, and more.

Of course, over the five decades since its publication, some things have changed.  In his discussion of Sufi orders, which do not need traditional buildings and grounds except as required by local economic and political conditions, Shah mentions that “one Arabic publishing company is a Sufi organization.  In some areas all the industrial and agricultural workers are Sufis.”  This might have changed in the political, economic and military upheavals of the past fifty years, but the principle remains the same; the “order” is in the hearts and networks of people.  The “beautiful tomb,” of the great teacher Data Ganj Bakhsh (Ali el-Hujwiri), in Lahore, “venerated by people of all creeds,” was bombed by terrorists in 2010.  The Idries Shah Foundation print and Kindle editions of “The Sufis” omit the original Introduction by Robert Graves (I like Grave’s commentary but “The Sufis” is complete without it).

Still, five decades after its publication, “The Sufis” continues to be relevant.  At first reading, and later re-readings after intervals, “The Sufis” continues to pack advanced spiritual psychology, eye-opening history, and impacts that both confirm and extend perceptions, and highlight and disconfirm prejudices and assumptions, into a special reading experience.

reviewed by Jay Einhorn, PhD, LCPC,

On the Psychological Impact of Racial Prejudice

Reposted from July, 2014:

(an invited panel presentation at the National Fair Housing Training Conference of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C., June, 2004)

Yesterday, in the program on “Reflecting On Brown At 50,” Wade Henderson, Executive Director of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, said that “We have to reframe the debate” on racism and integration so that it applies to all humanity, around the world, not just to one or two groups in the U.S.A. I thank him for that comment, and it’s in that spirit that I’ve prepared my remarks.

I. Psychological Impact of Housing Discrimination

I’d like to begin considering the psychological impact of racial prejudice by discussing a case in which I conducted a psychological evaluation of a victim of housing discrimination. The victim was an attorney whom I’ll call “Deborah,” an African American woman, and the request for evaluation was in connection with her lawsuit against the perpetrator, a landlord who had very crudely refused to rent her an apartment, but who was quite eager to rent it to the white applicants whom her attorney sent as testers. The perpetrator had been nailed, and the case was set for trial. The psychological evaluation was Deborah’s attorney’s idea, in order to support her claim for damages.

Deborah herself was ambivalent about participating in the psychological evaluation. Although she understood its potential value in supporting her case, she didn’t expect it to show much damage, and, as an intensely private person, didn’t relish the prospect of opening her personality to investigation. She prided herself on being tough and realistic, and had the kind of attitude that regarded vulnerability to social mistreatment as a form of personal weakness. She was sophisticated, beautiful, intelligent, and elegant, and presented herself as relatively unfazed by having been the victim of housing discrimination, after her initial shock and anger had abated. Her attitude was that there are these despicable elements in society, and you just sort of had to hold your nose and get past them. Despite her reluctance, Deborah acceded to her attorney’s advice, and consented to undergo psychological evaluation.

I approached the evaluation expecting to find as little in the way of deep emotional injury as Deborah did. I knew her socially, and was well aware of how bright she was and how tough she could be. I’d recommended to her attorney, and Deborah, that it would be better for a psychologist whom Deborah didn’t know to conduct the evaluation, but she wouldn’t even consider another psychologist, so it was either me or nobody. Yet, to both my surprise and Deborah’s, I discovered, as we proceeded through the evaluation protocol of interviews and testing, that she had, in fact, been injured by this act of discrimination; injured much more deeply than she had acknowledged, to herself or anyone else.

The great psychologist George Kelly taught that, “Experience is not what happens to us, experience is what we do with what happens to us.” (Pelaez, 1970) The psychological impact of what happens to us depends on what it means to us. To understand the psychological impact to Deborah of having been a victim of housing discrimination, we have to understand something about her background and personality.

Deborah’s parents had come from another country to the U.S.A., and landed in the largely African American neighborhood of a great city, where she grew up entirely insulated by her parents from the surrounding culture. She attended parochial schools, and when not in school was mostly kept at home or sent away for vacations. She grew up believing that her destiny was to transcend the limitations of her surroundings by talent and effort, and ultimately to take her rightful place among the accomplished and successful people of this world. To Deborah, the fact that she could become the victim of housing discrimination after she had jumped through all these hoops meant that she was a person of no consequence after all; that, no matter what she did, outside of small protected islands of elite culture, she would always be defined by, and subject to, the prejudices of others.

Although Deborah denied emotional impact beyond the initial shock of being the victim of housing discrimination, she had experienced a series of distressing physical symptoms, beginning immediately after the episode of discrimination and continuing for several months by the time of her psychological evaluation. These symptoms included frequent migraine headaches, stomach aches, diarrhea, and menstrual dysrhythmia. I diagnosed these physical symptoms as psychosomatic reactions to the emotional stress of having been the victim of housing discrimination.

Deborah’s physical symptoms were a response to feelings of helplessness, inconsequentiality, and depersonalization or dehumanization. As Michael Seng, Merilyn Brown, and I wrote in “Counseling a Victim Of Racial Discrimination In A Fair Housing Case,” in the Fall, 1992, John Marshall Law Review: “Racial discrimination strikes at the victim’s personhood, and if left to fester, will poison the victim’s self-esteem.” (Seng, et al, 1992)

II. The South African Truth And Reconciliation Commission

We can learn something about the psychological impact of racial prejudice from the experience of South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), as discussed by South African psychologist Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela, author of, “A Human Being Died That Night: A South African Woman Confronts the Legacy of Apartheid,” and presenter of a recent talk entitled, “Forgiveness: The Human Moment.” (Gobodo-Madikizela, 2004)

The TRC was the brainchild of Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu, and others who understood that, in order to make a successful transition from minority to majority government in South Africa, atrocities that had been committed had to be acknowledged, but in a way that laid the foundation for the reconciliation of the two populations. The search for justice through retribution would have sparked the bloodbath that was on the verge of happening after decades of bloody repression and rebellion. The success of the TRC is recognized by the saying that the transition from minority to majority rule in South Africa was characterized by “the bloodbath that didn’t happen.”

The foundational concept of the TRC was that those who had committed crimes during the war, whether acting for the apartheid government or the resistance (mainly the African National Congress), would be eligible for amnesty if they came forward and acknowledged what they had done, and cooperated with the Commission’s investigations, as long as such actions had been done for political reasons and not personal ones. The TRC proceedings were conducted publicly, in open courtrooms and on the record. Survivors, for example, those whose loved ones had been killed, were able to be present while perpetrators were testifying. Amnesty was granted in some, but not all, cases. After acknowledging their crimes, the perpetrators could ask the survivors for forgiveness, although not all did, and forgiveness was not guaranteed. (TRC, 2003)

Now, here’s the most relevant part for our consideration today. Dr. Gobodo-Madikizela observed that, when perpetrators did ask for forgiveness after acknowledging their crimes, the survivors often gave it to them, often in quite emotional interchanges, after which the survivors were able to go through a process of mourning for their loved ones, which they had somehow not been able to do prior to that time. Dr. Gobodo-Madikizela observed that the impersonal way in which the victims had been killed, as if their individuality did not matter, seemed to have deprived them of their humanity in a way which stopped their survivors from carrying through with their own mourning. When the perpetrators acknowledged their deeds, acknowledged why and how they had done them, and asked for forgiveness, it somehow restored the personal humanity, the individual dignity, to the victim, in the minds of their survivors, in a way that allowed the survivors to more fully mourn their losses. The victims had been dehumanized, so to speak, in the hearts of their survivors, by having been killed in so impersonal a way, and were rehumanized, in the hearts of their survivors, by the perpetrators’ acknowledgment of their role and purpose in carrying out their murders. Dr. Gobodo-Madikizela pointed out that this rehumanization did not occur in cases in which the perpetrators, after acknowledging their deeds, did not ask for forgiveness of the survivors.

I propose that the dehumanization process which Dr. Gobodo-Madikizela describes also occurs to victims of prejudice who survive the encounter, as well as to their friends and associates. Later on, I will consider ways in which the TRC process might provide an alternative model to litigation for addressing instances of housing discrimination. But before that, I want to consider racial prejudice in the context of brain function, and then consider some additional aspects of the psychological impact of racial prejudice.

III. Prejudice and the Brain

The genius of the human brain is that it can make automatic or habitual what it has originally learned through experience and trial-and-error. Human beings have the largest cerebrum, the top part of the brain, in the animal kingdom, proportional to the rest of the brain. New learning tends to involve the frontal and prefrontal lobes of the cerebrum, at the front of the brain, and habits and skills become encoded in the more rearward parts of the cerebrum (and the cerebellum). (Goldberg, 2002) This means that we can store an incredible amount of learned behavior, ready to be recalled when needed, while leaving the frontal parts of our brains available for what are called the executive functions, which include planning, organizing, analyzing, evaluating, prioritizing, selecting what to focus on, maintaining that focus while inhibiting distractions, monitoring both the environment’s and our own internal responses to what we’re doing, and adapting as appropriate.

Almost everything we do consists of habits and automatic responses that we once had to learn consciously. Walking and talking are examples of skills that children work very, very persistently to learn. Once learned, they operate more or less unconsciously unless we encounter some unusual situations that make us think more consciously–that is, with executive functions–about how we’re walking or speaking. But even before we learn to walk and talk, children learn to make sense of what they see and hear. Although children’s eyes and ears work more or less normally from birth, much of our perception actually involves interpretations, the assignment of meaning to visual and auditory stimuli. The experiences of adults, blind since birth due to corneal deformities, who have been enabled to see as adults through corneal transplant surgery, show us how hard the newly sighted have to work to make sense out of the confusing visual array. Some of these newly sighted patients have even closed their eyes in order to get around. So our very perception of reality is based on an enormous number of largely habitual and unconscious automatic assignments of meaning to perceptual stimuli.

The efficiency of this is that it enables the executive functions to operate on top of all those learned habits, which can be recalled as needed but otherwise take up little storage room in the normal adult brain. Now, “Prejudice” means “pre-judging,” and, in a strictly neutral sense of the word, prejudice is the usual form of operation of the human mind, the source of its efficiency and effectiveness. We can get around in the world as well as we do, and be effective in dealing with lots of different situations, because we have pre-judged them already, and can respond more or less automatically to them when they arise. In fact, some our problems in living and coping are because we don’t have enough prejudices, that is, we are presented with situations that we can’t recognize efficiently or cope with rapidly because we haven’t yet learned how to. This is a most important point, because it means that we’re not going to be able to substantially mitigate or transcend the psychological impact of racial prejudice until we understand racial prejudice as a pathological variation of normal brain function.

Not only is prejudice–pre-judging, using the term neutrally–a normal operation of mind, but when an impression carries a threatening meaning, it is “fast tracked” through the brain directly to the emotional centers deep in the middle part of the brain, bypassing the conscious processing of the frontal lobes, with their executive functions. (Le Doux, 1998) The advantage of this system is that it enables us to respond quickly to threatening situations, where split-second reactions can make the difference between life and death. The disadvantage is that racial prejudices, which are typically perceptions that carry an emotional threat, to the extent that they do so, will tend to be evoked more quickly than other perceptions and be less subject to executive review by the person who has them.

The sense of identity, of knowing who we are, both as an individual and as a member of a group, is increased when we are responding to a threat. There is an immediate psychological payoff to prejudice, in the sense of selfhood, of clearly knowing whom one is. Thus, in responding to the object of prejudice, the prejudiced person’s quality of thought is reduced while his or her sense of self is expanded.

IV. Dehumanization of the Prejudiced

Racial prejudice is psychologically dehumanizing to the prejudiced person as well as to the person who is the object of that prejudice (unless the recipient has the psychological structure and emotional stamina to withstand it, considered below). It is dehumanizing to the prejudiced perceiver because, by perceiving another human being, or a category of human beings, as less human than he or she is, or than they are, the prejudiced perceiver is attenuating the effectiveness and reality orientation of his or her own perceptual processes. Such perceptions are examples of what psychiatrist Arthur Deikman calls “cult-like” thinking (Deikman, 2003), which give rise to a “Them and Us” mentality, in which “people like us” are somehow morally superior, and “people like them” inferior. Discussing “Devaluation and Projection,” Deikman writes, “Perhaps the most important thing to understand about devaluing the outsider is that it is a necessary preliminary to harming others, to doing violence. Whether the conflict is between nations or individuals, the attacker devalues the victim prior to the violent act…The person you devalue becomes easier to kill. But when you look at him or her, be sure you do not see who he or she really is, for if you do, you cannot believe the person is inferior to you.” (p. 108)

Thus, by perceiving the other with diminished humanity, the prejudiced person diminishes his own humanity, his psychological selfhood. In order to be fully human, we need to participate in reciprocal relationships with others who perceive us as fully human and whom we perceive as fully human. When we perceive others as less human than they are, there is a reduction in humanity of the self, by the self. Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela describes rehumanization as occurring to perpetrators as well as survivors of terrible crimes.

V. Social and Economic Payoffs for Prejudice

In addition to the psychological benefits of a more definite sense of self and identification with a group, (“people like us”), there are social and economic payoffs for prejudice. When we dehumanize our neighbors, we can keep them in their place, preventing them from competing with us economically and socially, and even dislocate them from their homes and help ourselves to their belongings, without feeling the distress or doubt that we would struggle with if we regarded them as human beings just like ourselves. Psychologist Hadley Cantril did a study on the rise of prejudiced social movements, in which he focused on the rise of lynchings of African Americans in the Jim Crow South, and the rise of Nazism in Germany, among other movements. (Cantril, 2002) Cantril showed that both the Southern Whites who oppressed Southern Blacks, and the Germans who oppressed German Jews, mainly came from social classes which were themselves teetering on the edge of desperation, poverty and hopelessness due to economic and social conditions beyond their control. Southern Whites who kept southern Blacks “in their place” where often themselves kept in their place by the prevailing socioeconomic structure, and would have been displaced by the rise of a successful and enduring Black middle class. Germans who humiliated and displaced German Jews were often those who had lost their ability to earn a living and protect their families, seemingly forever, in the economically devastating conditions of Germany under the Versailles treaty, and who were threatened by upwardly mobile Jews.

An example of such dehumanization comes from the experience of a colleague of mine, who leads a group for Israeli and Palestinian women. As you can imagine, it’s been a very difficult experience for everyone, members and leader. The Israeli and Palestinian women participate in the group because they believe that it is of great importance that they be able to relate as human beings to women from the other group. My colleague reports that both the Israeli and Palestinian women have been strongly advised by members of their families and community not to participate in the group, as if the effort to relate on a human basis to members of the other group was somehow a bad thing in and of itself. An Israeli woman reported that she was advised by her Rabbi not to participate in the group, but if she was determined to, to behave as if the Palestinian women weren’t there.

VI. Prejudice and Addiction

There is an analogy between racial prejudice and drug addiction–not that they are the same, and I am not suggesting that racial prejudice is an addiction–but both racial prejudice and drug addiction are pathological deviations of normal brain functioning. Certain drugs are addictive because they can bond with neuroreceptors in the brain, because they approximate the architecture or chemistry of the natural substances which the brain manufactures for those receptor sites. The use of the drug is always rewarding in the short run, even though it may severely undermine a person’s life in the long run. Racial prejudice uses the natural processes of perceptual categorization and fast-track processing, and is emotionally rewarding to the prejudiced person, in the short run.

VII. Cycles of Prejudice

This leads to a cycle of racial prejudice, which is also part of the psychological impact of racial prejudice. Both at a macrocultural level, at the level of peoples and cultures, and at the most microcultural level of the individual and the small group, the psychological impact of racial prejudice includes victims of prejudice becoming perpetrators of prejudice in their turn. Dr. Gobodo-Madikizela emphasized, in her talk in Evanston, that groups that have been the victims of genocide tend to become the perpetrators of it; it was specifically to avoid such an outcome in South Africa that the Truth and Reconciliation Commission was established. The landlord who discriminated so crudely against Deborah came from a nation which had been brutally occupied and devastatingly oppressed during W.W. II.  Almost every national and ethnic group has been the victim as well as the perpetrator of racial prejudice, in ways that range from economic and social discrimination to genocide, and the less than fully genocidal processes variously called ethnic cleansing or politicide, which I refer to as “ethnicide,” meaning the murdering, displacement, etc., of of one ethnic group by another, short of all-out genocide in the sense of a determined attempt to exterminate them.

In fact, when we look at the history of the 20th century, we see a first World War based on the interethnic prejudices of European countries–whose people welcomed the war in expectation of quick victory over inferior rivals (Keegan, 1993)–and featuring the intent of the victors to carve up crumbling Ottoman Turkey, which helped to precipitate the Turkish forced removal, with much death–described by many as a genocide–of its Armenian population, and concluding with the treaty of Versailles, which, by placing impossible burdens on the German economy, already devastated by the first world war, utterly undermined it, helping to precipitate the Nazi pathology, leading to the German genocide against Jews and others, and World War II, followed by regional wars in Asia (Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, others), Africa, and Latin America, sponsored by global powers which regarded the indigenous people as less than fully human, followed by the Soviet war in Afghanistan, from which the country has yet to recover, and Serbian ethnicide or politicide in Bosnia and Kosovo–Serbia having itself been oppressed by the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires–and the Rwandan genocide of Tutsis by Hutus (where, as Ambassador Joseph Wilson points out, there had been a genocide of Hutus by Tutsis in Burundi during the last century)–so the pattern keeps going. (Wilson, 2004)

As we prepare to leave this conference, many of us will be flying home this afternoon or tomorrow, and many of us are concerned, whether in the front or the back of our minds, about the possibility that we may be blown up by suicide bombers acting on behalf of the Palestinians. Now, I don’t have time to parse the fine points between genocide, on the one hand, and ethnicide and politicide on the other, and different people define them with different nuances, so that could take a long time. But surely the way that the Palestinians have been treated could never be visited upon any group of people by any group of people who regarded them as fully human. Over fifty years of deliberate and systematic terror and brutalization–some of which is documented by the Israeli Zionist Simcha Flapan (whose profound humanity in doing so, incidentally, absolves Zionism of the charge that it must be racist), has created a situation in which some Palestinians, and some Palestinian sympathizers, have come to believe that blowing themselves up and taking as many Jews, Americans, or their allies, as possible, with them, is better than living. The terrible psychological algebra by which Jews kill Palestinians because they are Palestinian, and Palestinians kills Jews because they are Jews, or kill Americans or others because they are supporters of Israel, could only be spawned by the victims of racial prejudice becoming its perpetrators.  (Note:  The Israeli journalist Ari Shavit gives a nuanced treatment of the founding of Israel and Israeli-Palestinian relations in his 2013 book, My Promised Land.)

The victim of prejudice who loses touch with his own humanity responds to persistent or overwhelming dehumanization by either turning it against himself, or turning it back outside. Deborah turned it against herself, against her own body. The suicide bomber responds to dehumanization not by becoming rehumanized, but by sacrificing himself, or herself, in an attempt to ultimately dehumanize the other, by depriving them of their very lives. It’s as if they are saying: “You say I don’t count for anything, well I’ll show you, even if I have to destroy myself in the process.”

So, when I say that racial prejudice has resulted in more damage to human beings by human beings than any force in history, you can see what I mean. This is part of the psychological impact of racial prejudice. And when suicide bombers with briefcases or backpacks can kill as many people as can be reached by their explosives, and when chemical, biological, and perhaps even nuclear weapons are only a few degrees of separation away from them, the psychological impact of racial prejudice deserves our careful consideration.

At a more mundane level, the attribution of prejudice to others can be a knee-jerk reaction by people who have been the victims of prejudice; which in turn perpetuates the cycle of prejudice, and certainly disqualifies them, when they are in that state, from efficient reality perception. An African American mother and grandmother–mother and mother’s mother– are resented and feared at a school their children and grandchildren attend, for their vehement attacks on white teachers whenever the children’s normal misbehavior, or genuine learning problems, are mentioned. This has created an insurmountable obstacle to the teachers’ teaching and the children’s’ learning. One teacher became so upset that she took up so much time complaining about it in staff meetings, that her complaining itself became an obstacle to getting necessary work done. When I pointed this out to her, she accused me of gender prejudice. The inability of victims of prejudice to think clearly, and their tendency to attribute problems of their own making to the prejudices of others, is also part of the psychological impact of racial prejudice.

VIII. What Can Be Done?

If racial prejudice is so pervasive and ubiquitous a part of human psychology, what can be done about it. I recommend five methods for your consideration.

1. First, we need to teach our children about racial prejudice as a malfunction of normal human mental and economic activity. The human brain is the source of all our achievements as a species, as well as of the main threats to our survival as a species, and economics is the main source of our interrelationships, as well as the main justification for oppression, so we had better teach our children about them. Children need to understand more about how the brain works, with prejudice as part of that, but there is almost no instruction in psychology or economics below the high school level, and very little in high school. Appropriate textbooks could be developed for children even in elementary school. There’s no use in just repeating that prejudice is bad; this is mere social conditioning, and will not remove or mitigate prejudice.

2. Second, we need to balance such formal instructional literature with a literature of “stupid prejudice” stories, showing how racial and similar prejudices make incompetent perceivers. The extant non-scientific literature on racial prejudice, including biography, autobiography and fiction, predominantly describes the traumatic experiences of victims. This is of great value, but what’s needed in addition is a perspective on how stupid and inefficient it is to be prejudiced.

During a radio interview, comedian Dick Gregory told a story about an experience of prejudice that is both truly funny and illustrative of the stupidity of the prejudiced, as well as providing listeners with a kind of psychological inoculation against the future experience of prejudice. Gregory was traveling alone through the Jim Crow South when he stopped at a diner for a meal. When he sat down at the counter, the cook came over and said, “Sorry, we don’t serve n—–s here.” “That’s good,” said Gregory, “because I don’t eat n—–s. I came for food!” (Gregory, undated)

Gregory’s semantic judo with the meaning of “serve” is itself worth savoring, and a healthy reaction to prejudice. As Edward de Bono points out, humor is an insight function, encouraging flexibility of thinking and creativity. In his book, Serious Creativity, he writes, “Humor is by far the most significant behavior of the human brain.” (De Bono, 1992) As part of a healthy humorous reaction, Gregory illustrates how to avoid being psychologically injured by prejudice. His response shows that he knows that the cook’s prejudice is not really about him, personally.

In Central Asia and the Middle East, a remarkable body of jokes featuring the wise-fool figure, “Mulla Nasrudin,” has arisen. Nasrudin fulfills the Sufi “corrector of idiocy” function by showing up the ignorance, arrogance, and credulity that characterize so much of human mental and social life. In this one, Nasrudin is “In Charge of the List:”

“Nasrudin was not a popular Imam and was continually being demoted, until he found himself in a remote hamlet full of farmers not known for their generosity. Most of their donations to the mosque consisted of carrots and apples, a diet against which their spiritual leader soon rebelled.

“One day, in an address after the morning prayers, Nasrudin made an important announcement:

“’I have been asked to inform you that from now on it has fallen upon me to draw up a list of those of you destined for Heaven and those of you destined for Hell.’

“From that day on, the Imam was never short of fresh meat, butter, cream and pulao.” (Shah, 2003)

Among other dimensions, this story invites us to reflect on where religious authority really comes from. Such jokes can help to prepare the mind for experiences which it has yet to have, as well as to make sense out of experience that remains to be “digested.”

Children raised on a diet of anecdotes, stories and jokes about how prejudice makes us stupid and inefficient, would have a powerful psychological inoculation against the impact of racial and related prejudice.

3. The third pathway to reducing the psychological impact of racial prejudice is interracial or interethnic teamwork. The psychologist Muzafer Sherif, in important social psychological research conducted decades ago, showed that groups in conflict for economic and social status goals tend to view each other as morally inferior and despicable. (Sherif and Sherif, 1964) This contempt could be neutralized, and the groups could be rehumanized in each others’ eyes, through the experience of having to cooperate together to achieve mutually important goals. When people have to depend on one another and come through for one another, it tends to break down psychological stereotypes. Incidentally, there’s no use just having people meet one another in groups that don’t involve mutual cooperation. Sherif’s research shows that such meetings actually tend to reinforce existing prejudices.

4. The fourth method of reducing the psychological impact of racial prejudice is to include information about it in the training of mental health counselors and therapists. Good counseling and psychotherapy is often about the rehumanization of the dehumanized, but the psychological impact of racial prejudice is not much appreciated or taught in counselor and therapy training programs.

5. The fifth method of reducing the psychological impact of racial prejudice comes from South Africa, where the Truth and Reconciliation Commission provides a model of rehumanization after prejudicial dehumanization has occurred. With some modifications, we might find the TRC model quite useful as an alternative to either litigation or off-the-record settlement in cases of housing and related forms of discrimination.

The most egregious cases of red-handed discrimination rarely go to trial. Dr. John Bough, of Stanford, who presented his brilliant work in voice recognition discrimination yesterday, said that, although every case he’d been involved in had been settled successfully, he regretted that this left no public record of successful prosecution of racial discrimination. Settled cases leave no record.

The landlord who discriminated against Deborah settled the case before trial, on advice of his attorney, as well he should have done. Deborah’s settlement, of a couple of thousand dollars or so as I recall, was a bitter solace for her to receive, and a bitter pill for her landlord to have to give, but there is no record of this ever having happened. I wonder whether a modified Truth and Reconciliation type of procedure might not have been more healing for Deborah, the landlord, and the culture which we all share, even if it had resulted in a smaller monetary settlement for her. The TRC hearings are public and on the record, and for the landlord to have to face Deborah and her family and friends, publicly acknowledge his wrongdoing, and have the option of asking publicly for forgiveness, would have provided a different resolution, for everyone involved–which, in a larger or smaller way, includes all of us– than an off-the-record settlement.

IX. Conclusion

The foundational concept in this discussion is that racial prejudice cannot be understood simply by being condemned, or eliminated simply by being opposed. Fifty years of “Brown” have demonstrated that legal sanction is necessary but not sufficient to address the psychological impact of racial prejudice. We need to inoculate children against the psychological impact of racial prejudice, through the stories that we tell them and the examples that we show them. We need to provide restorative justice alternatives to litigation that are psychologically rehumanizing for everyone involved. Only when we understand racial prejudice as a pathological deviation of normal human brain function, and understand the psychological impact of racial prejudice upon its victims, its perpetrators, and the larger culture, will we be able to take those steps which will enable us to avoid, escape, or transcend racial prejudice.


Cantril, Hadley. The Psychology of Social Movements. 2002, Transaction Publishers.

de Bono, Edward. Serious Creativity: Using the Power of Lateral Thinking to Create New Ideas. Harper Business, 1992.

Deikman, Arthur. Them and Us: Cult Thinking and the Terrorist Threat. Bay Tree Publishing, 2003.

Flapan, Simha. The Birth of Israel: Myths and Realities. Pantheon Books, 1987.

Gobodo-Madikizela. “Forgiveness, the Human Moment.” Presentation by Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela at the Lake Street Church in Evanston, Illinois, April, 2004. Her book is: Gobodo-Madikizela, Pumla. A Human Being Died That Night: A South African Woman Confronts the Legacy of Apartheid. Mariner Books, 2004.

Goldberg, Elkhonon. The Executive Brain: Frontal Lobes and the Civilized Mind. Oxford University Press, 2002.  (Note:  A revised second edition has since been published.)

Gregory, Dick. NPR radio interview, undated (it had to be over fifteen years ago, and might have been with Terry Gross)

Keegan, John. A History of Warfare. Alfred A. Knopf, 1993.

Le Doux, Joseph. The Emotional Brain: The Mysterious Underpinnings of Emotional Life. Simon and Shuster, 1998.

Palaez, Cesareo. Personal communication by Cesareo Palaez, who had been a graduate student of George Kelly’s. 1970. For Kelly’s psychological theory, see: Kelly, George A. A Theory of Personality: The Psychology of Personal Constructs. W.W. Norton, 1963.

Seng, Michael, Einhorn, Jay, and Brown, Merilyn,. “Counseling A Victim Of Racial Discrimination In A Fair Housing Case.” John Marshall Law Review, Fall, 1992, Volume 26, Number 1.

Shah, Idries. The World of Nasrudin. Octagon, London, 2003. p. 168 For more on the Sufi “corrector of idiocy” function, see Shah, Idries. Knowing How To Know: A Practical Philosophy in the Sufi Tradition. Octagon, 1998. For more on Nasrudin, see Shah, Idries. The Sufis. Octagon, 1964.

Shavit, Ari.  My Promised Land.  New York, Spiegal and Grau, Random House, 2013.

Sherif, Muzafer, and Sherif, Carolyn W. Reference Groups: Exploration into Conformity and Deviation of Adolescents. Harper and Row, New York, 1964.

TRC, 2003. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission Website:

Wilson, Joseph. The Politics of Truth: Inside the Lies that Led to War and Betrayed My Wife’s CIA Identity. Carroll and Graf, 2004.

Copyright © 2004, 2014, by Jay Einhorn

“Experimenter:” A Film About Stanley Milgram and His Research on Obedience to Authority

Here is my review of “Experimenter,” a film about Stanley Milgram and his research on obedience to authority:


Peter Sarsgaard as Stanley Milgram in EXPERIMENTER, a Magnolia Pictures release. Photo courtesy of Magnolia Pictures.

“Experimenter:”  A Review by Jay Einhorn, Ph.D., LCPC

“Experimenter,” which opened in Chicago on October 23 at the Music Box (and is available on iTunes and On Demand), interweaves the stories of Stanley Milgram’s research on obedience, together with his life and career, starting with the experiments at Yale in the early 1960s, through to the end of his life.  The film tells the stories with elegantly understated drama between the players—Milgram, played by Peter Saarsgard, his wife Alexandra, played by Winona Ryder, and the other characters.  In this, it takes the opposite approach to that of “A Dangerous Method,” the film about the relationships between Carl Jung, Sabina Spielrein, and Sigmund Freud, in which the drama between the figures became more prominent than the story of the founding of psychoanalysis (although it did point me toward the book by John Kerr on which it was based, for which I’m grateful).  It is to the credit of writer, director and producer Michael Almereyda that Milgram’s research on obedience, and what it meant for him and for us, is at the very center of “Experimenter.”

Milgram is portrayed as a rather serious academic researcher, rarely smiling, in whom deep curiosity to understand how people could commit the atrocities of the recently ended second world war coexisted comfortably with ambition to further his academic career.  As is often the case in great scientific discoveries, Milgram’s was unexpected; he thought that Americans would not give potentially injurious and even lethal shocks to fellow Americans just because they were told to by a man in a lab coat.  Once his subjects showed that they were willing to obey, he continued to study obedience to authority, using several variations on the design.  It was during this research that Adolf Eichmann was brought to trial for genocide; his defense was that he was doing what he was told to do.

Coming to Harvard after his work at Yale, Milgram’s playful side became more apparent, as he conducted research leading to the concept of “six degrees of separation.”  However, he was denied tenure under criticism for deceiving and stressing experimental subjects in his obedience research.  In the scene in which Milgram is chastised by colleagues on the tenure committee, I was reminded of the image of jackals worrying a lion, even if the jackals had doctorates and were smug in their tenured Harvard appointments, and the lion was a slender and reticent academic subordinate.  Failure to appreciate the meaning of Milgram’s work continues at the highest levels of psychology in the United States.  A colleague (who prefers to remain anonymous) observed that Milgram’s experiments in obedience illuminate the American Psychological Association’s involvement with psychological torture, and disavowal of that involvement.*  After Harvard turned him down, City Colleges of New York recruited Milgram with a full professorship and appointment as head of social psychology.

“Experimenter” is understated in its technical production, too.  The sets are not elaborate, the backgrounds to some are obviously pictures, and I wondered whether the facial hair on a couple of men was real or artificial.  This gives the impression of watching a play rather than a movie; as if to say, “We’re emphasizing the story, not the props.”  Both acting and production serve the story rather than supplanting it.

“Experimenter” raises a number of issues; most fundamentally, what does it mean to do vital, relevant scientific research into human nature?  The decision to apply the methods of science, which had been so successful in studying the natural world, to the study of human nature, was surely one of the most momentous in human history; but it left open the question of how such research was to be done.  Certainly, the stress of Milgram’s research on the people who participated in it raises important ethical issues.  Nevertheless, the depth of meaning of his research, the applicability of its results to observing and understanding human behavior, and the robustness of the findings, are in distinct contrast to the triviality, irrelevance and meaninglessness that characterize much “scientific research of human behavior.”  Milgram’s research on obedience holds up a mirror that reveals depths of the human soul that we had better take a good look at, even if we’d rather not.  Because this knowledge is vital to the survival of human souls, both individually and altogether.

Milgram died young, of a heart attack, at 51, in 1984, ten years after his book on obedience was published, when his work was achieving increasing international recognition.  I can’t help but wonder how he would have matured had he lived.  The contribution of his work is enormous.  “Experimenter” serves to remind us of it, and will help to preserve it for future generations.

* As disclosed in the independent review conducted by attorney David Hoffman.  The 500+ page report, with a 70 page executive summary, is at

(Actual film from Milgram’s project is on youtube at

Making Sense of the APA Debacle

This is an email letter which I sent to members of the Chicago Association for Psychoanalytic Psychology, of which I’m President, about the American Psychological Association’s involvement in psychological torture and related issues.

Hi Everyone.  Here’s my July-August President’s letter.

Making Sense of the APA Debacle

I’ve been trying to get my head around the crisis in APA, to rise above the anger and sense of betrayal, to achieve some distance and perspective; what I call the “helicopter view.”  There’s a lot to process:  the Division 39 listserve is abuzz with dialog and information, the Hoffman Report is over 500 pages, and the Executive Summary alone is 72 pages long.  The report is available on the APA website (

What Seems to have Happened

It looks like a small group of people in APA leadership, some more aware than others of what they were doing, in direct and/or indirect collaboration with the Department of Defense, the CIA, and the Department of Justice, modified APA’s ethical code in the post 9-11-01 period, and misused APA’s governance procedures, to confer APA approval for psychologists’ participation in psychological torture (“enhanced interrogation”), without adequate consultation of the membership for a decision of this magnitude.  There followed 14 years of cover-ups by misleading statements, executive secrecy and bullying, thwarting the attempts of colleagues, including outstanding Division 39 members, to bring this to light.  When it became national news, as part of journalist James Risen’s reporting on national security in the post 9-11-01 period (in his book, “Pay Any Price”), APA leadership, by now including officers who had not been involved in hijacking the ethical code and covering it up, commissioned an independent investigation, which produced the Hoffman Report.  And here we are.

How to Understand It

How can we understand what happened?  Some of the players in this fiasco benefitted economically.   Some may have truly believed that psychological torture was appropriate after the nation was attacked.  (it isn’t; aside from the basic humanity issue, the bad information from torture far outweighs the good, and it creates far more enemies than it disposes.  Trained military interrogators warned against it.)  The behavior of APA’s chief ethicist, who worked for the Department of Defense while in charge of ethics for APA, will probably be in future ethics textbooks.  But at the heart of this matter is the behavior of psychological leaders who lent their considerable professional stature and authority to advancing the social status of psychology at the expense of the meaning of psychology.  They wielded their power in the pursuit of power, and used it to dismiss the concerns of more conscientious colleagues with dissimulation, condescension, contempt, and/or threats.  Some of them are issuing apologies now—“I didn’t know, I trusted what I was told, I was trying to do the best for psychology”—but such explanations don’t say much for the depth of psychological knowledge and ethical discernment of some of the profession’s leading figures.  The meaning of psychology has been lost to APAs leadership, not because a small group of misled and/or unscrupulous people hijacked the national association, but because the highest psychological officials not only allowed it to happen but consistently obstructed efforts to open the matter to transparent review by the membership.  This is not about psychology, as a science and profession; it is about power.

Throughout its history, psychology has been seen as a second-class social entity.  Unlike the physical sciences and medicine, which mainly live by their results, psychology has struggled with defining what valid science and practice are, with conflicting definitions entangled in turf wars.  As psychology struggled to establish its credibility, the social status and economic viability that psychologists seek have generally been hard won by some, and elusive for many.  Even the procedure codes through which many of us earn our livings, and the catalog of mental disorders which qualify patients for our services, are still mainly written by and for physicians.  Many of APA’s real achievements have been about establishing psychologists’ eligibility to practice; through state licensure, participation in Medicare (where we are still very much second class citizens) and eligibility for insurance reimbursement; always with the fear that the rug might be pulled out from under us at any time.  (Which may have contributed to the “apparently mandatory dues for lobbying” fiasco, settled by APA, so the improper taking of member dues will be paid for by member dues and there will be no transparency or accountability for that episode.)  Even though APA is “the world’s largest association of psychologists” (Wikipedia), you can’t say that psychology has arrived under those circumstances.

Weaponizing psychology (“enhanced interrogation”), establishing a scientific foundation for practice comparable to that of medicine (“evidence-based practice,” a phrase borrowed from medicine and then perversely weaponized in the therapy turf wars), and acquiring prescriptive privileges for psychologists, have all been excluded from thoughtful and transparent consideration among the APA membership.  Instead, they have become platforms for those seeking to empower psychology into a social entity on par with medicine and the physical sciences.

Where Do We Go From Here

APA has to reconnect itself with the meaning of psychology, and it can’t do that through ethics–although we need to revise our compromised ethics–or slogans.  One of the lessons of this debacle is that there is no ethical code that can’t be usurped and undermined by a suitably motivated and empowered group.

Psychology—in its meaning as the study of human nature by methods appropriate to its subject— has acquired a great deal of knowledge about human nature, and how individuals and groups behave.  In psychoanalytic psychology, Freud, Jung, and Adler, among others, show how power can be sought and misused, for reasons which the conscious mind defends against knowing; to compensate for feelings of vulnerability and inferiority, among other reasons.  In social psychology, Hadley Cantril shows that when a group is threatened with loss of socioeconomic status, it creates conditions for totalitarian and terrorist movements to take root.  Maslow’s model of motivation shows how the same language—for example, an ethical code—can be understood very differently by people at different levels of motivation.  Behavioral psychology shows how reinforcement can shape behavior, without awareness on the part of the person(s) whose behavior is being shaped, and for which they give entirely irrelevant attributions.  Each and all of those psychological lenses bring the dynamics of this APA debacle into focus.  APA can heal itself when psychologists know more about psychology, understand it more deeply, and apply it to ourselves.

Finding the Key: Rote Memory, Perception of Meaning, and Neural Networks

What we remember of what we have learned can depend on how well it was encoded when we learned it.  For example, if we learn a word list for a test, we might be able to recall some of the words after half an hour or so, but we can recognize more of the words we missed if we are given a list of words to choose from, some of which were on the list.

So, if I learn a list of words—say, “cat, tree, chair, piano, table, box, pail, clock, glasses, radio, door”—and then say as many as I remember after half an hour or so, I might remember “cat, tree, piano, box, radio, door.”  Then if I am shown a list of words that have all the words on the list in it, as well as a bunch of other words that were not on the list as distractors, I might recognize, “chair, table, pail, clock, glasses.”  The words I remembered without any prompting would be the ones that were better encoded when I first learned them, and the words I didn’t remember at first but recognized from the list of possible words would be words that were were not so well encoded.

Now, encoding, like any other learning process, requires the formation of neural networks; tens or hundreds of thousands or more of neurons in the brain, distributed across various parts of it, interconnecting and forming this memory.  The words that were better encoded, the ones that I remembered without prompting, had neural networks (called “neural nets” for short) with more neurons, and perhaps involving more parts of the brain.  The ones that I didn’t remember but could recognize had fewer neurons in their encoding networks, perhaps distributed over a smaller portion of the brain.

That’s a rote memory example.  Now let’s think about the understanding of meaning in language, by looking at a teaching story.  I first came across this story in the Nasrudin stories gathered and edited by Idries Shah, but I’ve since come across it in business, educational, and other contexts, without Nasrudin appearing as a character; which is an interesting example of cultural assimilation.  Nasrudin is down on his hands and knees outside, when his friend comes along and asks what he’s looking for.  “I’ve lost my key.”  So his friend helps him look, but they can’t find it.  “Are you sure you lost it here?” asks the friend.  “No, I lost it at home,” says Nasrudin.  “Then why are you looking for it here?” asks his friend.  “There is more light here,” answers Nasrudin.

Now, this story can be meaningful in a lot of different contexts.  For example, in a military, business or educational context, it can mean that conventional thinking is not going to be able to solve the problem of how to succeed in a particular operation or project; or of what the military calls “lessons learned;” understanding, after the fact, what went wrong.  I use this story in my work—in psychotherapy, diagnostic evaluation, consultation and supervision—to indicate that the way my client or student has been thinking about a problem may not lead to a solution.

What happens in the brain when a little story like this, a set of words that may not have much meaning for us except as a sort of joke showing how stupid people can be, suddenly illuminates an important problem in human thought and behavior, that has direct application in our own lives?   Surely there is a huge expansion, extension, interconnection, of neural networks, recruiting many more neurons and involving much more of the brain than the original encoding of the story.  Thus, the perception of meaning in metaphor can be understood as a significant event within the brain.

(See “links,” under the “resources” menu, for collections of Nasrudin stories)